Specialized Literacy Professionals Bylaws
The name of the nonprofit organization shall be The Specialized Literacy Professionals.
The mission of the Specialized Literacy professionals SIG is to:
Article III: Membership and Dues
Section I: Eligibility
Any individual interested in promoting literacy shall be eligible for membership in the SIG. Upon receipt of dues from the individual, the individual shall be regarded as a member of the SIG.
Section II: Dues
Dues will be established by the Executive Officers and reviewed each year.
Section III: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year for the Association will be July 1st through June 30th.
Article IV: Officers
Section I: Executive Officers
The Officers of the organization will include a President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and four Board members elected at large. These Officers constitute the Executive Committee for the SIG. Each officer must be a member of the International Literacy Association and the SIG. The treasurer and secretary will be appointed by the Board.
The Officers will be responsible for planning for all meetings and events sponsored by the SIG. The Executive Committee will be responsible for preparing the annual budget for the association.
Section II: Terms of Office
The term of all offices including the president, president-elect, secretary, treasurer, executive secretary, and the four at-large officers shall be two years. The president–elect shall automatically succeed to the office of president for two years. All officers can also serve multiple terms. Each officer will assume the duties of office at the beginning of the fiscal year.
Section III: Duties
Duties of President: The president shall act as the executive officer of the committee. The president shall preside at all meetings; act, ex officio, as the Executive Committee; and exercise general leadership and supervision over the affairs of the council to implement its purposes.
Duties of the President-Elect: The president-elect shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee, shall coordinate internal programs, and fulfill other duties as are assigned by the Executive Committee. The president-elect shall assume and perform the duties of the president in the event of the absence, incapacity, or resignation of the president.
Duties of Secretary: The secretary shall record the events of all council meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee; keep a permanent record of the minutes of all meetings; and handle correspondence and notices.
Duties of Treasurer: The treasurer shall maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records; supervise the management the funds of the council affiliate; obtain legal insurance related to financial authority; cooperate fully with an annual audit; support Board’s financial literacy, and forward all funds, accounts, and books to the committee at the end of term.
Section IV: Nominations and Elections
Nominations for the Office President-Elect (to become President) and the at-large officers should be made at the annual meeting and by electronic communications sent to all members.
Article VI: Committees
The Executive Committee may establish standing or special committees, which shall be responsible to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may appoint committee chairs, determine committee charges, and authorize funds for committee expenses. All committees shall transmit their recommendations to the Executive Committee unless otherwise specified. All committees will be considered ad-hoc unless established in the by-laws as a standing committee.
Article VII: Annual Meeting
There will be an annual meeting of the Association. This meeting will have three purposes: (1) as a context for committee and board meetings; (2) as a forum for all members to express opinions; and (3) as professional development for members
Article VIII: Website and Newsletter
The SIG will publish a newsletter that will consist of information and reports from the various committees and officers of the association and other information relevant to the specialized literacy professional.
The SIG will maintain a website. The website will include information on the association as well as at the archive for newsletters.
Article IX: Affiliations
By vote of the Executive Committee, the Association may affiliate with other organizations and institutions. These affiliations may include local and/or state reading councils, as well as other professional associations at the state, regional, national, and international levels.
Article X: Dissolution
The SIG may petition the SLP membership n for dissolution.
Article XI: Parliamentary Authority
The SIG will follow Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 12th Edition (2020) to govern proceedings in all cases to which they are applicable, unless alternative procedures are specified by these Bylaws, special rules, or applicable statutes.
Article XII: Amendments
Section I. Process
Amendments to these Bylaws shall be made by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the entire Executive Committee. Notice of proposed Bylaw amendments shall be sent sixty (60) days in advance to all individual members of the Association in order to provide them with an opportunity for comment.
Section II. Frequency
The Executive Committee may amend the Bylaws only once during any given calendar year.
(revised 2/5/2021)
The name of the nonprofit organization shall be The Specialized Literacy Professionals.
The mission of the Specialized Literacy professionals SIG is to:
- provide a forum for the professional development of all literacy professionals;
- take a proactive stance on issues involving literacy professionals;
- engage literacy professionals in active research and advocacy related to current issues and trends in literacy;
- keep abreast of recent efforts to develop standards and assessments for those delivering reading/literacy services; and
- communicate with other professional organizations.
Article III: Membership and Dues
Section I: Eligibility
Any individual interested in promoting literacy shall be eligible for membership in the SIG. Upon receipt of dues from the individual, the individual shall be regarded as a member of the SIG.
Section II: Dues
Dues will be established by the Executive Officers and reviewed each year.
Section III: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year for the Association will be July 1st through June 30th.
Article IV: Officers
Section I: Executive Officers
The Officers of the organization will include a President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and four Board members elected at large. These Officers constitute the Executive Committee for the SIG. Each officer must be a member of the International Literacy Association and the SIG. The treasurer and secretary will be appointed by the Board.
The Officers will be responsible for planning for all meetings and events sponsored by the SIG. The Executive Committee will be responsible for preparing the annual budget for the association.
Section II: Terms of Office
The term of all offices including the president, president-elect, secretary, treasurer, executive secretary, and the four at-large officers shall be two years. The president–elect shall automatically succeed to the office of president for two years. All officers can also serve multiple terms. Each officer will assume the duties of office at the beginning of the fiscal year.
Section III: Duties
Duties of President: The president shall act as the executive officer of the committee. The president shall preside at all meetings; act, ex officio, as the Executive Committee; and exercise general leadership and supervision over the affairs of the council to implement its purposes.
Duties of the President-Elect: The president-elect shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee, shall coordinate internal programs, and fulfill other duties as are assigned by the Executive Committee. The president-elect shall assume and perform the duties of the president in the event of the absence, incapacity, or resignation of the president.
Duties of Secretary: The secretary shall record the events of all council meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee; keep a permanent record of the minutes of all meetings; and handle correspondence and notices.
Duties of Treasurer: The treasurer shall maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records; supervise the management the funds of the council affiliate; obtain legal insurance related to financial authority; cooperate fully with an annual audit; support Board’s financial literacy, and forward all funds, accounts, and books to the committee at the end of term.
Section IV: Nominations and Elections
Nominations for the Office President-Elect (to become President) and the at-large officers should be made at the annual meeting and by electronic communications sent to all members.
Article VI: Committees
The Executive Committee may establish standing or special committees, which shall be responsible to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may appoint committee chairs, determine committee charges, and authorize funds for committee expenses. All committees shall transmit their recommendations to the Executive Committee unless otherwise specified. All committees will be considered ad-hoc unless established in the by-laws as a standing committee.
Article VII: Annual Meeting
There will be an annual meeting of the Association. This meeting will have three purposes: (1) as a context for committee and board meetings; (2) as a forum for all members to express opinions; and (3) as professional development for members
Article VIII: Website and Newsletter
The SIG will publish a newsletter that will consist of information and reports from the various committees and officers of the association and other information relevant to the specialized literacy professional.
The SIG will maintain a website. The website will include information on the association as well as at the archive for newsletters.
Article IX: Affiliations
By vote of the Executive Committee, the Association may affiliate with other organizations and institutions. These affiliations may include local and/or state reading councils, as well as other professional associations at the state, regional, national, and international levels.
Article X: Dissolution
The SIG may petition the SLP membership n for dissolution.
Article XI: Parliamentary Authority
The SIG will follow Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 12th Edition (2020) to govern proceedings in all cases to which they are applicable, unless alternative procedures are specified by these Bylaws, special rules, or applicable statutes.
Article XII: Amendments
Section I. Process
Amendments to these Bylaws shall be made by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the entire Executive Committee. Notice of proposed Bylaw amendments shall be sent sixty (60) days in advance to all individual members of the Association in order to provide them with an opportunity for comment.
Section II. Frequency
The Executive Committee may amend the Bylaws only once during any given calendar year.
(revised 2/5/2021)